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Accessory Name: 
Custom closure mandrels
Accessory Part No: 
PDV13011, PDV13023, PDV13036, PDV14106
Accessories Description: 
Plastic bottle caps and T-corks have individual profiles for finger gripping, and the best way to torque-test their performance is by providing an exact machine grip at as many points as possible. Many well-known brands and manufacturers come to us for custom-profiled mandrels to use on their torque testers. A custom mandrel is much quicker to place and release than a screw-fit clamp, and by precise positioning offers true repeatability in testing of bridge torque, removal torque, application torque and running torque. We can design and manufacture mandrels for plastic, metal and cork closures.
Gripping the closure without distortion to avoid additional frictional forces is essential for accurate closure torque testing